Emunat HaLev Meditation Institute

The Meditation Institute of Temple Emunah

Literally translated, Emunat HaLev means “Faith of the Heart,” and we hope this institute touches everyone deeply in their hearts and souls, as in the words of the Sh’ma prayer.

There is a rabbinic teaching – rahmana liba ba’ei – the Compassionate One desires our hearts – God hopes we will feel God’s presence and God wants our lev – our heart. Emunat HaLev offers incredibly rich offerings, including a weekly morning meditation group on Tuesdays and a weekly Shabbat Musaf meditation. Our offerings are open to anyone who is interested in participating; Temple Emunah membership is not required.

Additionally, we have sent some of our Religious School and Preschool teachers to mindfulness teacher trainings, so they could learn how to bring these practices to our students, help them focus calmly on their learning and, perhaps, share the techniques with their families as well!

If you would like more information, please contact Barbara Neustadt or Rabbi David Lerner.

Meditations by Barbara Neustadt and Commentaries by Rabbi David Lerner

Suggestion for Practice: recite the meditation, sit for how long it works for you (perhaps 5-20 minutes) and then read the commentary to deepen your experience.

Click below to enjoy:


Please enjoy these recent sermons regarding spirituality and meditative practices:


Office Hours

Monday – Thursday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Friday, 8:30 am – 3:00 pm

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