Theme Minyan Night – What to do about Climate Change

Theme Minyan Night - What to do about Climate Change


June 16, 2021    
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Temple Emunah’s Climate Change Working Group is the congregation’s most recent undertaking to create a more environmentally sustainable community.

Under the leadership of Rabbi Lerner with the help of Mike Gildesgame and a small group, we formed in early 2021. Our first job was to find out how knowledgeable and concerned Emunah families are about climate change, what they are already doing to address the problem, and what kinds of actions they are eager to learn more about. Our survey received responses from more than 140 households.

Among those, almost all (94%) are at least a little concerned about climate change and the vast majority (85%) are “very” or “extremely” concerned. Most respondents (73%) are already engaged in half a dozen or more actions to help reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, and the interest in learning more is high.

We will discuss these results at our theme night and look forward to hearing peoples’ stories about their experiences. Also, we will offer programs about actions everyone can take, individually and as part of the synagogue’s own endeavors to be more environmentally responsible.

We are eager to build our team! If this is an area of interest to you, please join us by contacting Mike Gildesgame.

This theme night is hosted by the Climate Change Committee.

Click here to join.

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Monday – Thursday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Friday, 8:30 am – 3:00 pm

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