Spirituality of the Sea

Spirituality of the Sea


April 11, 2021    
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Temple Emunah Sisterhood is thrilled to host a virtual community breakfast with

Rabbi Ed Rosenthal, Founder of Tikkun HaYam 


What is it about water, the most common substance on earth that has no color, no flavor, no smell, no form, that mesmerizes us so?

Join Rabbi Ed Rosenthal, Founder of Tikkun HaYam, for an interactive, virtual exploration about the “Spirituality of the Sea.” We learn about the science of the Ocean, and talk about the conservation of the Sea, but rarely (if ever) do we discuss the spiritual essence of this most mysterious of realms. Based on teachings and texts from the Jewish tradition, we will discuss things you never learned in Hebrew School. If you are a diver, a sailor, a surfer, a swimmer, a beach lover, a sympathetic land-luber, Jewish, not Jewish, or just curious, join us for this fascinating experience where we will discuss the deepest essence of the Deep.


This event is sponsored by the Sisterhood, in association with the Climate Change Committee.  Click here to join.  

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